Event Details
Local Workforce Development Initiatives
Date: | January 23, 2018, 11:30am – 1:30pm |
Organizer: | Judy Sauter is the Marketing & Research Director with the Bismarck-Mandan Development Association (BMDA). |
Location: | Bismarck Elks - 900 S Washington St. Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place. |
Event Type: | Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Judy Sauter is the Marketing & Research Director with the Bismarck-Mandan Development Association (BMDA).
- BMDA overview
- Bismarck-Mandan workforce overview
- BMDA talent attraction intiatives
- Online awareness campaigns
- Testimonial videos
- Coordinating with Job Service ND and Bismarck-Mandan employers
- Workforce development initiatives
- Job Shadow Week - Open to college students and high school juniors and seniors. The 2017 Job Shadow Week had 167 students participating in 225 job shadows.
- Educators' Summer Workshop - Open to middle and high school education professionals with the goal of educating them about the wide variety of career opportunities available to their students. The workshop consists of eight half-day sessions that focus on different occupation areas and industries; each half-day session is held at a different business location in Bismarck-Mandan.
- Staff Development Day events - Bringing employers and teachers together for possible connections in classroom presentations or project assistance, career information, etc.
- Wrap-up and future participation with BMDA
This program has been submitted for 1.0 hour of continuing education credit from the HR Certification Institute (HRCI).
This program has been approved for 1.0 hour of professional development credit from the Society for Human Resource (SHRM).