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    Onboarding: Influencing Growth and Success in the Workforce

    Date: June 27, 2023, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
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    Onboarding: Influencing Growth and Success in the Workforce

    Presentation Summary:

    HR professionals have a unique opportunity to influence talent development in the workplace with their understanding of what employees need, and partnerships across the company.  Onboarding is one of the most effective and yet overlooked areas where a company can do something small but purposeful, and get significant benefits for both the employees and the organization as a whole. Despite year of research on its significant impact, it is often viewed as ordinary, pushed to the side, or attempted half heartedly.

    This session will explore quality onboarding, how that's different from orientation, its positive and proven results with retention, productivity, succession, culture and even leadership, and participants will learn best practices for creating an onboarding program all their own. 

    Speaker: Angela Kiesz, Clearwater Communications

    Angela Kiesz has spent almost 10 years as a learning and development professional.  She has spent significant time working in the areas of leadership development, instructional design, onboarding, coaching, and building specialized training programs to meet the strategic needs of both internal and external partners. She is an energetic and passionate facilitator who values people as the greatest asset to any company.

    She is currently employed at Clearwater Communications, and works as a free lance consultant developing personalized solutions for training needs. She is a Development Dimensions International Certified Facilitator.

    More than anything, Angela enjoys spending quality time at home with her husband and four children.

    Zoom Registration Link: 

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    In-Person Attendee Registration Link (Register by Noon on June 26th): 

    CDHRA: June 2023 CDHRA Meeting In-Person Attendee Sign Up (