CDHRA Minot & Williston Service Areas
A partnership between CDHRA, the Williston and Minot areas!
CDHRA worked with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to keep SHRM affiliated chapters in the Minot and Williston areas. To best serve your needs, CDHRA has converted Minot and Williston into CDHRA Member Services Areas (MSA). This MSA will allow human resource professionals in the Minot & Williston areas to:
o Become CDHRA members,
o Hold SHRM & HRCI approved recertification events in Minot and Williston,
o Attend activities in both Bismarck, Minot and Williston,
o Gain recertification credits towards their HRCI and SHRM certifications,
o Obtain assistance in maintaining the SHRM Affiliated Program for Excellence (SHAPE) requirements, AND
o Network with over 160 current (and growing) human resource professionals in North Dakota!