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    A Guide to Myers-Briggs & Staff Development, presented by Jeanne MacDonald

    Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    June 26, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:30pm

    A Guide to Myers-Briggs & Staff Development, presented by Jeanne MacDonald

    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment is a tool used by businesses and organizations around the world for staff development.  Understanding individual personality types in the workplace helps facilitate communication, resolve conflict, and build teams and leaders.  To give administrators a feel for what MBTI workshops will be like when used with staff, some group and/or individual activities will be conducted with subsequent discussion/debrief.


    May CDHRA Meeting "Active Shooter Presentation"

    Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    May 22, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:30pm

    Active Shooter Presentation:

    What to do in the event of an active shooter, how to prepare to handle an active shooter, and specifically how to direct law enforcement during one of these incidents. This could possibly be a great opportunity for local businesses to network with the Highway Patrol/Dept. of Emergency Services and vice versa & hopefully save a life/minimize loss of life in the future if one of these incidents ever does occur in our community.

    Presented by: Lt. Jody Skogen, ND Highway Patrol.

    Pending general credit.

    Information from the 2012 Employment Law & Legislative Conference.

    Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    April 24, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:30pm

    Donette Peterson, SPHR (Director of Human Resources with Missouri Valley Petroleum) will be presenting on the information from the 2012 Employment Law & Legislative Conference.

    An Overview of the 2012 Employment Law and Legislative Conference Topics:
    • The Supreme Court Speaks…Are you listening
    • The Enforcers: A U.S. Department of Labor Update
    • ERISA Update: Keeping Your Benefit Plans (and You!) Out of Trouble
    • Health Care Reform: Two years Later
    • Employment Background Screening

    Retention in the Workplace

    Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    March 27, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:30pm

    Retention in the Workplace 

    Help identify the main reasons people leave employment with your company and review the role your supervisors play in employee retention. It will also give you some tools for increasing employee retention and share what other companies are doing to increase employee retention. This will hopefully help your organizations given the unique circumstances ND is facing during the oil boom.

    State of the Association

    Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    February 28, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    We will be reviewing the SHRM SHAPE (SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence) ; the CDHRA Budget; & the Core Leadership Areas: College Relations, Diversity, Government Affairs, HR Certification, Membership, SHRM Foundation, & Workforce Readiness.  We will receive updates regarding various programs and opportunities for 2012 as well as introductions of the committee chairs.

    Pending 1.0 general credit.

    Trust Travels: The Starbucks Story

    Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    January 24, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Jeanne MacDonald will be presenting Trust Travels: The Starbucks Story. It’s a DVD from the SHRM Foundation. More information can be found at:

    Holiday Social

    Bismarck Radisson Hotel
    New York New York Room
    $10.00 Per member (member only event)
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    December 20, 2011 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    December 20, 2011
    11:30 -1:00pm

    $10 per member
    (members only event)  
    RSVP by sending their check for $10 made payable to CDHRA to:

    Pat Frohlich,
    ND Department of Transportation,
    608 East Boulevard Avenue,
    Bismarck, ND 58505-0700
    by December 15, 2011

    October is traditionally our diversity month. So we will be expanding the borders of North Dakota and learning about the World Economic Forum. This educational opportunity is provided by the SHRM Foundation.

    CDHRA will meet the 4th Tuesday of each month at 11:30 AM at the Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    October 25, 2011 - 11:30am to 1:30pm

    Today's world is enormously complex and more interdependent than at any time in history. Organizations are confronting global issues they have never faced before. To be effective, the leaders of tomorrow must be able to collaborate while navigating cultural, regional and political differences. In this DVD, the SHRM Foundation visits the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland to learn first-hand about its approach to leadership. The video features interviews with some of the Forum's key players.

    Free EEOC Presentation

    ND Department of Labor
    Job Service of North Dakota
    1601 E. Century Ave, Bismarck ND
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    September 27, 2011 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm

    U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    Free EEOC Presentation

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011
    3-5 pm
    Maria E. Flores
    “Top 10 Ways Employers Can Avoid
    And/or Minimize the Damaging
    Effects of Employment Discrimination

    Maria is a seasoned speaker and a 20-year veteran of the EEOC out of the Milwaukee Area Office.

    *Please RSVP to:

    Mental Health at Work by Susan Helgeland, Executive Director, Mental Health Association of North Dakota.

    CDHRA will meet the 4th Tuesday of each month at 11:30 AM at the Elks Lodge in the large meeting room where receptions and dances are held. Members will go through the buffet line in the restaurant and order as much or as little as they want and pay the cashier. Members will bring their tray into the large meeting room where the business meeting and presentation will take place.
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    July 26, 2011 - 11:30am to 1:30pm

    Mental Health @ Work by Susan Helgeland
