03/2025 Meetings & Events
Date | Event | Type |
January 25 | Health Care Reform & HR: One Checkup You Shouldn’t Miss | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 22 | Simple Solutions to Conflict Management | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 22 | State of CDHRA (state of the organization) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 26 | Employing Individuals with Brain Injuries | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 24 | ND Employment Law Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 26 | Mental Health at Work by Susan Helgeland, Executive Director, Mental Health Association of North Dakota. | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 27 | Basics of networking and the importance of building alliances. | |
September 27 | Free EEOC Presentation | Meeting |
September 28 to September 30 | 2011 ND State HR Conference | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 4 | North Dakota Jaycees is proud to present Matt Booth! | Conference |
November 22 | The Veteran Advantage: Reasons Why You Should Recruit Former Military Personnel by Joe Hall, Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist, Job Service North Dakota | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 20 | Holiday Social | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 24 | Trust Travels: The Starbucks Story | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 16 | 2012 Winter Career Expo, February 16, 2012 | Conference |
February 17 to February 18 | ND HR Games and Student Conference | Conference |
February 28 | State of the Association | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 27 | Retention in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 24 | Information from the 2012 Employment Law & Legislative Conference. | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 22 | May CDHRA Meeting "Active Shooter Presentation" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 26 | A Guide to Myers-Briggs & Staff Development, presented by Jeanne MacDonald | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 24 | Containing Health Care Costs by Implementing a Consumer Driven Health Plan | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 28 | Summer Social Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 19 to September 21 | IAWP District V Educational Conference | Conference |
September 25 | SHRM Foundation video "Seeing Forward: Succession Planning at 3M" | Meeting |
September 26 to September 28 | 2012 ND State HR Conference & Vendor Showcase | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
October 15 to October 16 | Womens Business Summit | Conference |
October 23 | Bridging the Generation Gap | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 14 | North Dakota Premiere Documentary Screening BEHIND THE ORANGE CURTAIN A film that gives us a glimpse into the epidemic of prescription drug abuse by teens. | Meeting |
November 27 | November Monthly Meeting:"Training Programs at Quentin Burdick Job Corps." | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 18 | 2012 CDHRA Holiday Social | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 22 | Health Care Reform and how it will impact your business | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 9 | 8th Annual Hasbro Junior Achievement Monopoly Tournament! | |
February 26 | CDHRA State of the Association | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 25 | Invitation GTSB Emerging Leaders Academy special event March 25th, 2:00pm-4:00pm , University of Mary | |
March 26 | Roundtable discussion on the Challenges of Recruiting and Retaining Employees in North Dakota | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 2 | Strategic HR and HR-ROI Luncheon and Afternoon Workshop | |
April 23 | Workplace Accommodation Best Practices | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 20 to May 24 | Annual Symposium May 20-24, 2013 at UND in Grand Forks "Weathering the Workplace Storm: Learning to Predict, Prepare and Prevail." | Conference |
May 28 | Employment Law Update | Meeting |
May 30 to June 1 | Great Plains Young Professionals Summit | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
July 8 | Rescheduled June Presentation: Should you Play-Or-Pay? 2014 Healthcare Reform | Meeting |
July 11 | Event to Outline the Future of Education in North Dakota | |
July 23 | Top 10 Items Every Employer Should Audit | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 6 to August 7 | Effective Job Instruction Workshop | Meeting |
August 27 | CDHRA Summer Social | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 16 | The Power of a Coaching Based Culture-Augusta Scott (Zappos) | Meeting |
September 18 to September 20 | 2013 Governor's Workforce & HR Conference | Conference |
September 24 | Compensation: Local and National Learn and Share | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 15 | Junior Achievement Fall Kick Off and Training | |
October 22 to October 25 | Leadership Training Opportunities | Meeting |
October 22 | Healthcare Reform Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 26 | Employing Veterans | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 16 | Understanding and Identifying Person-Job Fit | |
January 28 | What’s New at CDHRA and SHRM: An update of the 2014 CDHRA and SHRM initiatives and budget approval. | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 4 | "Workplace Violence & Preparedness" Plus "OSHA Inspections & Safety in the Workplace" | |
February 5 | Sarah Andrews Herman informative session on various areas of Labor & Employment Law. | Meeting |
February 25 | An update from the ND Department of Labor and Human Rights. What’s to come in 2014. | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 25 | Helping employees manage their child care challenges | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 10 to April 11 | 3rd HR Conference for Local Governments | Conference |
April 15 | Join the Policy Discussion at the Governor’s Business Forum | |
April 22 | Gang Recognition: What employers should know? | Meeting |
April 30 to May 2 | SD State Conference | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
May 6 to May 7 | Vogel Law Firm to Host Employment Law 2014 | |
May 8 | The Dorsey and Whitney Law Firm is holding an employment law seminar featuring Sarah Andrews Herman. | |
May 27 | How to Create a Succession Planning Strategy and Building a Plan | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 24 | Rules of Wellness Engagement | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 22 | Hot Topics in Employment Law and Legislation | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 26 | CDHRA August Social Event |
Date | Event | Type |
September 23 | So you just received an EEOC Notice…. What to do next? | Meeting |
September 24 | Meet your Bismarck-Mandan area training & development colleagues at this fun networking event! |
Date | Event | Type |
October 8 to October 9 | 2014 Governor's Workforce & HR Conference | Conference |
October 28 | Taking a Look at Diversity from an Native American Perspective | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 25 | Recruiting and Retention Roundtable | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 16 | CDHRA Holiday Social Event |
Date | Event | Type |
January 27 | What’s New at CDHRA and SHRM: An update of the 2015 CDHRA and SHRM initiatives. | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 24 | Recruiting Women Military Service Members and Reading Service Members Resumes | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 24 | Health Care Reform Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 28 | Emerging Strategies for the Evolving Workforce | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 7 | Dorsey Labor, Employment and Benefits Seminar | |
May 26 | Leading with Emotional Intelligence | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 23 | A More Resourceful Way to Hire: Employing Individuals with Disabilities | Meeting |
June 28 to July 1 | SHRM 2015 Annual Conference & Exposition (VIVA LAS VEGAS!) | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
July 8 | CDHRA Summer Social Event | Meeting |
July 28 | Hot Topics in Employment Law and Legislation | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 25 | No Membership Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 16 to September 17 | The 2015 ND State Governor's Workforce and HR Conference | Conference |
September 22 | Seven Steps to a Successful Mentoring Initiative | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 27 | Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 24 | No More Manic Mondays: Building a Culture Where Employees Want to Come to Work | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 26 | Department of Labor “Hot Button” Employment Issues and Current Trends | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 23 | What’s New at CDHRA and SHRM: An Update of the 2016 CDHRA and SHRM Initiatives | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 22 | Employing Veterans | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 26 | How to recognize Gang & Drug Activity | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 5 | Vogel Law Firm Employment Law 2016 | |
May 24 | The Importance of Employer Branding in Your Local Community | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 28 | How to Respond to Government Investigations: OSHA, EEOC, DOL or IRS | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 26 | Identity Theft | Meeting |
July 27 | Minot Service Area Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 11 | CDHRA Summer Social celebrating our 40th Anniversary & New Member Welcome! | |
August 23 | Labor & Employment Law Workshop-Registration open(limited seating available) | |
August 25 | 2016 Policy Summit |
Date | Event | Type |
September 20 to September 22 | 2016 Governor's Workforce and Human Resource Conference | Conference |
September 27 | Preparing for the DOL Overtime Regulations | Meeting |
September 28 | Minot Service Area Meeting: Employing Veterans | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 13 | Fredrikson & Byron's Annual Employment Law Seminars | |
October 25 | Employee Misconduct Investigations | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 10 | 2016 Veteran Employer Summit | |
November 22 | Faith in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 15 | CDHRA Annual Holiday Social -December 15, 2016 | |
December 27 | CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER-Retention in the Workplace - Minot Service Area Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 24 | The Disease of Worklessness | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 28 | Recognizing the signs of Human Trafficking | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 14 | Minot Service Area: March Meeting | Meeting |
March 28 | How employers can be Service Dog friendly? | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 13 | Minot Service Area: Employee Investigations | Meeting |
April 25 | Affordable Care Act Updates | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 4 | CDHRA New Member Coffee Talk (Networking opportunity!) | |
May 18 | Minot Service Area: Affordable Care Act Updates | Meeting |
May 23 | Successful Strategies for Supporting Working Mothers | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 22 | Minot Service Area: Human Trafficking-What it looks like in North Dakota | Meeting |
June 27 | Medical marijuana and it's impact on today's workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 20 | Minot Service Area: Medical marijuana and it's impact on today's workplace | Meeting |
July 25 | Hot Topics from the Labor Department | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 15 | CDHRA Summer Social-Members Event | |
August 22 | No regular meeting in August. | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 14 | Minot Service Area: Employing individuals with disabilities. | Meeting |
September 19 | Lunch and Learn Special Event: EEOC Update | |
September 20 to September 22 | 2017 Governor's Workforce and Human Resource Conference | Conference |
September 26 | Assessments: Hiring and Team Building | Meeting |
September 29 | Affordable Care Act Webinar Available |
Date | Event | Type |
October 5 | Fredrikson & Byron's Annual Employment Law Seminar | |
October 19 | Minot Service Area: WSI safety incentive program | Meeting |
October 24 | Chamber Workforce Summit | |
October 24 | Transgender People and Inclusion in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 7 | Minot Service Area:“Best Practices for the Workplace: Performance Management and Documentation” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 23 | Local Workforce Development Initiatives | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 27 | “Best Practices for the Workplace: Anti-Discrimination Laws and Other Red Flag Issues” | Meeting |
February 28 | Minot Service Area: Homeland Security Investigations | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 27 | Introduction to Human Trafficking | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 24 | Speed Solutions: Workplace Flexibility | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 2 | Vogel Law Firms Employment Law 2018 | |
May 22 | Workplace Violence: What HR professionals need to know. High Risk terminations. | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 7 | Coffee Talk | |
June 26 | Becoming a Person of Influence | Meeting |
June 27 | Chamber Professional Development Series: Talent Advantage |
Date | Event | Type |
July 24 | Emotional Intelligence:Creating Personal Strategies for Success in Life and Leadership | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 7 | CDHRA Summer Social - Members Only Event | |
August 23 | Registration available for members: HR Professional as a Business Partner training event | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 12 | Coffee Talk | |
September 25 | Wellness Programs: Cancer Education and Screening Programs | Meeting |
September 28 | Avoid Costly Penalties: ACA Compliance Considerations Webinar |
Date | Event | Type |
October 18 | Fredrikson & Byron's Employment Law Seminar | Conference |
October 23 | Diversifying Hiring Pools and Workforces by Considering and Hiring Persons with Previous Convictions | Meeting |
October 31 | 2018 Chamber Workforce Summit | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 8 | Coffee Talk | |
November 27 | Mentorship Programs | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 22 | Introduction to Mind Shift | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 20 to February 22 | 46th Annual Safety & Health Conference | Conference |
February 26 | Human Resources and the Digital Transformation | Meeting |
February 28 | Webinar - Diversity & Inclusion: What You Need to Know |
Date | Event | Type |
March 26 | Authentic Servant-Leadership in the Workplace: Why it’s Needed More Today Than Ever Before | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 4 | CDHRA New Member Coffee Talk | |
April 23 | Legislative Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 17 | Violence Preparedness in the Workplace: What today's employees should know | Conference |
May 28 | HR Best Practices Roundtable Discussion | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 18 | Professional Development Event: Cybersecurity & IT Challenges | Meeting |
June 25 | Transforming Employee Engagement | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 23 | Innovative Onboarding | Meeting |
July 31 | ADA Basics Workshop | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
August 27 | Members Only Event - Summer Social |
Date | Event | Type |
September 24 | Immigration Essentials For HR | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 9 | Disrupt HR 1.0 | Conference |
October 10 | Employment Law Seminar | Conference |
October 22 | Making an Inclusive Culture in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 18 | CDHRA Annual Holiday Social -December 18, 2019 |
Date | Event | Type |
January 28 | Workplace Transformation: Navigating the New Normal | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 25 | Hot Topics: Common Issues and Claims, and How They Can Be Prevented | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 24 | Peer Coaching at Work-CANCELLED | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 28 | April Meeting Cancelled due to COVID-19 | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 26 | ND Careerbuilders Scholarship and Loan Repayment programs | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 23 | Succession Planning from the ground up | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 28 | Repurposing Your Career Blurb | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 22 | Virtual Mtg: Welcoming New Americans into your workplace success | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 20 | It's Not You; It's Your Job Post - Why Great Candidates Are Passing You By And How To Fix It | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 24 | Virtual Mtg: Peer Coaching at Work | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 16 | CDHRA Members Only Event: Virtual Holiday Social |
Date | Event | Type |
January 26 | Remote Work Best Practices | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 25 | The Real Cost of Hiring the Wrong Fit | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 25 | How to Create a Coaching Culture within your Organization | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 22 | COBRA Premium Subsidies & Other Recent Compliance Updates | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 27 | If You Can Name It, You Can Tame It: The Influence of Microaggressions, Code-Switching, and Authenticity in Your Organization | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 24 | Finding Efficiencies During Uncertain Times through Office 365 | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 22 | What is a Polytechnic Institution? | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 12 | Members Only Event - Summer Social | |
August 31 to September 2 | 2021 ND SHRM Conference | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
September 23 | The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: Ethics for HR | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 28 | North Dakota Small Business: Is their HR Strategic? | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 18 | OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (COVID vaccines) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 16 | Members Only Event - Holiday Social |
Date | Event | Type |
January 25 | Workforce Development Department: Past, Present, and Future | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 22 | How to Stay Motivated in the Marathon of Uncertainty | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 22 | Build an Extraordinary Culture from Mental Toughness for Engaging Leaders | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 26 | Compensation: What Changed, and What You Need to Know | Meeting |
April 27 | Disrupt HR 2.0 | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
May 24 | Emerging Stronger: Preparing for Success in the Next Normal | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 28 | Culture Convos Networking Session | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 26 | Find the Good Life in ND | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 13 | 2022 CDHRA Members Only Holiday Social Event |
Date | Event | Type |
January 24 | A Burnout-Free Me in 2023 | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 28 | Crucial Conversations | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 28 | The Value of Values in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 25 | Vogel Employment Law Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 23 | Smashing the silos | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 27 | Onboarding: Influencing Growth and Success in the Workforce | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 25 | Your Ultimate DIY Guide: Optimizing You | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 22 | CDHRA Summer Social (In place of regular monthly meeting) |
Date | Event | Type |
September 26 | Developing and Implementing DE&I Strategies in the Workplace: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 24 | Seven Solid Steps to Goal Planning Success | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 28 | Unlocking Greatness: Creating More Impact with Less Effort | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 12 | 2023 Holiday Social Event |
Date | Event | Type |
January 23 | The Time is Now to Engage, Invite, and Inspire | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 27 | ND Department of Labor “Hot Topics” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 20 | The Evolving Workforce: 2024 Employee Benefits Trends Seminar | Meeting |
March 26 | The Shocking Superpower of Relationships | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 23 | “AI Empowerment: Revolutionizing HR with Smart Technology” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 28 | “Help! I’ve Never Worked with A Unionized Workforce” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 11 | Brown & Brown: Employee Benefits Masterclass (Bismarck 6/12; Fargo 6/11) |
Date | Event | Type |
July 23 | “Total Compensation Plan Elements and Strategy” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 27 | Summer Social | |
August 28 | Minimizing Implicit Bias | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 24 | Crafting Compelling Job Posts: Techniques for Effective Talent Attraction | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 22 | “Connecting Cultures: Embracing and Understanding Native American Perspectives in the Workplace” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 26 | “Employment Law Update: What Happened in 2024 and What We Are Expecting in 2025” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 10 | 2024 Holiday Social Event |
Date | Event | Type |
January 28 | “Connecting Talent: Strategies for Local, National, and Global Workforce Attraction” | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 25 | Active Threat Preparedness | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 25 | Conducting Fair and Thorough Workplace Investigations | Meeting |